Welcome to Radwinter Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
Growing and learning together to embrace life in all its fullness
John 10:10 ‘I came to give life – Life in all its fullness’.
At Radwinter CofE Primary School, we provide a caring, happy and secure environment where every child feels valued and can flourish. We share a Christian understanding that God’s love is for everyone recognising that every child has individual talents, needs and a worthy contribution to make.
We provide a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum where every child is seen as a unique learner making exceptional progress from their starting points and thoroughly enjoying their time at our school. Our children enjoy a wide range of memorable learning experiences, both within and beyond the classroom, instilling a sense of awe and wonder for the world around us. Through daily collective worship and deep-rooted links with the local Church community, children are given the opportunity to develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of a wide variety of cultures.
We believe that the wellbeing and happiness of every child is essential and the needs of our children are at the heart of everything we do. Our committed, caring and approachable staff act as role models for our children educating them for wisdom, hope, community and dignity within our loving Radwinter CofE Primary School family.
Our vision reflects our belief about ourselves and each other; ensuring the voices of all our school community are heard and together endeavouring to serve the common good. We constantly strive to inspire and engage all of our children to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world. Jesus said ‘I have come that you may have life in all its fulness’ (John 10:10) and we emulate this by learning from our community; celebrating diversity, difference and the fulness of life.
Our Christian vision is lived out in our values of fairness, forgiveness, kindness, respect and service which are rooted in the teaching of Jesus and underpin everything we do. We celebrate the living of these values through our Values in Action Award which can be awarded to any member of our school community with all children, parents, staff, governors, visitors etc being able to nominate a group or individual. By instilling these values in our children, they are able to embrace life in all its fullness looking upwards, outwards and inwards drawing on these values to guide them.
Our Christian vision has been developed by our whole school community including pupils, families, staff, governors and wider stake holders. Their thoughts, opinions, hopes and dreams have been captured at every stage of its production and are reflected in every statement.
I hope that our website serves as a useful resource and insight to all that we do however, please do contact the School Office should you wish to arrange a visit to see us ‘in action’ during a normal school day.
Emily Bartram