Radwinter C of E Primary School PTA
The PTA at Radwinter CofE Primary School is a friendly group of like-minded parents who want to help make a difference to our children. The relationship between the school and PTA is very important and hugely beneficial to all involved, particularly the children.
We try to have as many parents involved as possible so that we can share the work load. We have our core committee who meet several times a year to plan events but also many individuals who are able to help at specific events when they can. Everyone is busy and we all understand that and will do all we can to achieve the best for the school without over burdening anyone. The PTA is a great way to become more involved in the school and there is great satisfaction from raising money for a project and seeing it through to purchase and see our own children benefit.
As a member of the PTA you will meet and socialise with other parents, share ideas and arrange events and activities that we will all enjoy. Ideas form over coffee, in the car park and drop off or at meetings!
Recently, we have had discos, fetes, Easter egg hunts and bazaars.
Each event has had such a positive impact on the school from the purchase of digital cameras to picnic benches to books and funding for trips. The close relationship between the school and PTA enable parents to have a say in how money is spent and to share the school aims and goals.
As a PTA we are very proud of our achievement and most importantly so are our children.
If you would like to hear more about joining the PTA or register your interest in helping at events, please contact our PTA committee via