Governors’ Statement
The governing body at Radwinter is made up of two parent governors, one staff governor and the head teacher, one local authority governor, two church parish governors, four diocese governors and the rector (because we are a church school). We aim to recruit governors with a range of skills, including legal, IT and financial knowledge as well as educational experience.
The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school and the educational performance of its pupils, while the role of the governing body is to:
- ensure a clear vision, ethos and strategy for the school
- support and hold to account the head teacher
- ensure the school is financially stable and its money is well spent
Through positive challenge, governors support the school in delivering high-quality teaching and promoting its core values to ensure that all pupils have access to a wide variety of learning opportunities and achieve their potential.
The work of governing is covered by three main committees, meeting at least termly: Learning & Development (whose work includes monitoring the effectiveness of the educational offer), Strategic (which reviews how the school is working today and how we can plan for the needs of the pupils in the future) and Resources (which scrutinises the school budget and spending). Governors also hold a full governing body meeting termly, to hear a report from the head teacher, to discuss progress against delivery of the School Development Plan and to ask questions.
Individual governors also have a variety of special monitoring responsibilities, including Safeguarding, Health & Safety, Wellbeing and reviewing the progress of particular groups of children, e.g. those with SEND.
The main focus of the governors is currently to support the head teacher in ensuring the safety of pupils and staff and in mitigating the effects of the pandemic, embedding an exciting and engaging curriculum and promoting wellbeing, and thinking about the sustainability of the school in a changing world.
The minutes from meetings of the Governing Body are a matter of public record, please email if you wish for a copy.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Governor Profiles
Helen O’Brien-Foundation DBE Co-Chair of Governors and Safeguarding Governor
I have thirty years’ experience of teaching in primary schools in Surrey and Essex, culminating in sixteen years as head of Rickling CofE Primary School. Before retiring in 2012, I led the federation of Rickling and Farnham schools, including amalgamating the two governing bodies. This is the second time I have been a school governor, and with my educational background and interest in primary schools I believe I have much to bring to the role. I am a member of the Learning & Development Committee, which oversees the implementation of the curriculum, the Headteacher Performance Management and the Pay committees.
Since retiring, I have volunteered in the community and abroad, including serving as a trustee for the Home Start charity, teaching English to refugees in the Calais ‘Jungle Camp’ and working with orphans and disabled children in Romania. I’ve been involved with Radwinter School for several years as a representative of the local church, at times leading collective worship, and delivering Open the Book, a project introducing children to Bible stories using drama. I very much enjoy walking my dogs around our beautiful area and I am a keen gardener.
John Reynolds - Foundation DBE - Chair of Resources Committee
I have been a Foundation Governor at Radwinter since 2018. I have spent over 30 years working in General Management roles in the Agricultural supply industry and have lived and worked in both Switzerland and Australia and been back in the UK for the last 10 years. Radwinter School has always had a caring, family ethos secured on strong Christian values.
Mrs Emily Bartram – Headteacher
My first association with Radwinter CofE Primary School was as a parent when my son started in September 2020. I was then delighted to be appointed as Headteacher taking up the post in September 2021. I have always lived and worked in the local area and have long been aware of the excellent reputation and educational experience offered by our wonderful school, so am incredibly proud to now be Headteacher! I grew up in Saffron Walden attending a local Church of England Primary School and have always known that this is the educational experience I wanted my own children to have. To be able to lead our setting in offering the same caring, happy and secure environment with outstanding learning opportunities really is a dream come true!
Outside of school, I enjoy spending time my husband and two children. We live in the area and play an active part in the local community as well as spending time exploring further afield. I am a passionate singer and have sung with several local choirs and bands, I enjoy creating elaborate cakes for family and friends and often spend much of my spare time furthering my understanding of educational practice. I completed my ‘National Professional Qualification for Headship’ in January 2022, my Church School Leadership qualification in March 2022 and my ‘National Educational Leader in Mental Health’ qualification in March 2023.
Parent Governor - Sarah Abbott
Charlotte Davies – Foundation PCC
I live in the centre of Radwinter and have been a governor at Radwinter Primary since 2017. My son also attends the school. I sit on the Governors' Learning & Development and Pay Committees. I am one of two governors who are responsible for monitoring progress with core skills within the school (covering EYFS, Phonics, Reading, Writing and Maths). I am also the school's training link governor which means that I act as a link between the school and the local authority/third party training providers to advise the governing body on available training opportunities and on developments within governance. After graduating from Leeds University with a degree in English Literature & Language, I qualified as a solicitor. I am now a highly experienced employment lawyer and have worked at large City law firms, as well as in-house, advising on all areas of employment law, including litigation in the Employment Tribunal and the High Court. I currently work at a law firm based in Cambridge where, as well as advising on employment law, my work allows me to specialise in knowledge management and I frequently design and deliver technical training to lawyers and clients. Outside of work, I enjoy exploring the countryside and the Norfolk coast with my family and our dog, visiting friends, and renovating our period home.
Gaetanne Fuller - Staff Governor
I am very proud to be Class Teacher for Hedgehog class at Radwinter. I am also the Art, EYFS and English Lead. I have a particular interest in SEND and support our SENDCO. I am passionate about Early Years having taught Reception for many years. I also enjoy leading the Uttlesford EYFs partnership group, bringing together local Reception teachers. I became staff governor in 2021 and I sit on the Learning & Development and Finance, Premises & Safety committees. When I'm not having fun with Hedgehog class, I like to knit, travel, walk Cash-my wire haired Dachshund and spend time with Michael, my husband and our two boys.
Paul Allington - DBE - Co-Chair of Governors
I am a foundation governor (DBE) and I sit on the Resources, Pay and HPMR committees, the Health and Safety governor and take a keen interest in computing and science. I've been a governor at Radwinter since 2019, joining to be involved in and help the school.
Jane Richardson - Foundation PCC - Chair of Learning and Development Committee
We moved to Radwinter in1996 and my younger son, Matthew (now a teacher himself) attended Radwinter School. He loved the school and was wonderfully supported throughout his time here whilst always being encouraged to make his own unique contribution to school life.
After reading music at University I trained as an accountant in London. I was a tax partner in a Cambridge firm for 10 years before changing careers completely to teach curriculum music at an independent prep school in Cambridge. As well as class teaching I was involved in all the school concerts and productions which I loved.
I am delighted to be appointed PCC governor and to be given the opportunity to support our excellent village school. As the daughter of two teachers I have had an interest in education all my life and I very much hope the experience and skills I have picked up in my varied career will be helpful to the school. I am passionate about arts education in schools in particular and as a Foundation governor I am very supportive of the school’s Christian ethos. I am also the governor responsible for Special Needs and Pupil Premium which is a particular area of interest to me.
Lois Rooney - Associate
I feel incredibly proud and blessed to teach at such an amazing, friendly and hard-working school. I joined in 2021 and quickly felt like I belonged and recognised the community is the school family. I am an associate governor, sitting on the Learning and Development Committee, and am very passionate about continually enhancing our provision and the educational experiences of our pupils. I currently teach Year 6 (Raven class) and Year 1 (Squirrel Class) and am subject leader for Maths, PSHRE and PE, as well as being Assistant Head. Outside of school, I am an avid netballer (playing for Saffron Walden Netball Club), a keen baker and an enthusiastic member of Saffron Walden Community Church. I also like to swim, garden, play mini-golf, and spend time exploring the world with my husband, Calum.
Claire Wright - LA
I started as a governor at Radwinter Primary School in 2023. We moved to Little Sampford 4 years ago and I wanted to get involved in the local community to be able to support the local school. We previously lived in South Cambridgeshire where I was a governor at the village primary school my children had attended. I am a qualified Quantity Surveyor and work within the property department of a large retailer. In my spare time I enjoy gardening, walking our dog and belong to a local choir.
Annika Fox - Parent Governor
As a new parent Governor with a son at the school, I am looking forward to working with the Head, all staff and the other Governors to help the school achieve its strategic goals and to allow all the pupils to flourish.
I attended Radwinter myself before going on to Saffron Walden County High and Sixth Form, and then on to Sheffield University where I studied French & Hispanic Studies and subsequently a Masters in Translation.
During this time I worked in education both in the UK and abroad and I find helping children grow their knowledge, skills and confidence extremely rewarding.
Over the last decade I have worked as an Executive Assistant within the financial sector. In addition to work and family life, I enjoy spending time by the sea with our two dogs, reading and dabbling in various hobbies.